17 Ways to Increase or Optimize Website Speed for WordPress


Optimize Website Speed

Do you want to Optimize website speed and provide users with a better experience alongside better SEO rankings? Keep reading this comprehensive guide on how to optimize your website for maximum effectiveness. Website speed is very crucial, especially with the advancement of technology and the ‘mobile first’ consumerism. A slow website slows down users’ engagement and, consequently, decreases their potential to return to the site with further inquiries or buy something, not to mention how lower the rank on search engine results will be. It is important to ensure that clients get a fast website experience, boosting SEO performance. Specifically, this guide will describe different mechanisms for achieving website speed more efficiently.

Understanding Website Speed

Web page speed or page load time specifies the duration for a specific web page to become fully loaded. Several parameters cause slow loading of the pages: server response, size of the files, technical realization of the code, and the usage of third-party services. Optimization of website speed in an agreed-upon method that seeks to rectify each of these aspects.

Test Current Website Performance

It is important to assess the current performance of your website before opting for optimization. Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom help to analyze the speed of the site and identify problems. These tools help to load time, page size, and number of requests.

Image Optimization

It is important to note that images greatly influence the loading speed of a website. Non-optimized images on your website can be a hindrance as they possess a large size. Follow these steps to optimize images:

  • Compress Images: Other online tools that can be of importance include TinyPNG, JPEG-Optimizer, and ImageOptim which are helpful while porting the applications to minimize the size of the files but with high quality.
  • Choose the Right Format: In the case of photography, JPG is perfect because it has compression and produces a small file size for storing images, for graphics, PNG is the best option because it it requires a background layer and logos and illustrations, it supports alpha transparency, WebP is also good and can be used for both images due to its high compression.
  • Implement Responsive Images: It allows you to provide images in different resolutions based on the width of the viewport, which helps optimize page load time on mobile devices when using srcset.

Utilizing Browser Caching

Optimize Website Speed

Browser caching keeps a portion of your webpage on a visitor’s device for easier retrieval when accessing the site later. This helps in minimizing the frequency of reloading the whole page when the user comes back again. To enable browser caching:

  • Modify . htaccess File: Important: If you run your site with an Apache server, add the rules of caching to the . htaccess file.
  • Set Cache-Control Headers: These headers define how long browsers should cache particular resources.

Minifying or reducing the size of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

Minification helps to reduce the size of distributed scripts by eliminating unnecessary characters including space and comments. This can potentially help with the fast loading of the application. Tools for minification include:

  • UglifyJS: To compress the JavaScript files.
  • CSSNano: As a means to further minimize the CSS files.
  • HTMLMinifier: For compressing HTML files.

Turn on GZIP Compression 

Compression lowers the size of files on a site, therefore making any site load faster. Gzip is another compression type that decreases files’ size greatly. GZIP is most of the time enabled by making changes in its compress settings in any supported web servers.

Effectively using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

A CDN replicates your website files on various servers present across different geographical locations. It helps the users load your site from the nearest server to its location by decreasing its latency and increasing the speed of loading. Popular CDNs include:

  • Cloudflare
  • Akamai
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Google Cloud CDN

Minimising HTTP Requests

Any file on your webpage needs an HTTP request and that adds time and uglyness to the loading process. To minimize HTTP requests:

  • Combine CSS and JavaScript Files: To avoid this, several small files are merged into large files to reduce the overall number of requests that are made.
  • Use CSS Sprites: Merge or place several images into one source and in CSS show the required portion.
  • Remove Unnecessary Plugins and Scripts: Remove and deactivate commentluv, linkword adpost, and any pointless tool/plugin/script.

Enhancing the Response Time of Servers

Server response time is the time that your server takes to be able to provide an answer to your query. The rate at which a server operates can significantly slow down your website when it requires much more time to run operations. Improve server response time by:

  • Choosing a Reliable Hosting Provider: Stick with reliable and fast providers, because the majority of companies coincide with them.
  • Upgrading Your Hosting Plan: Shift from a shared hosting plan into a VPS or even a dedicated hosting plan to experience improved results.
  • Using a Fast DNS Provider: Just a simple cache lookup for DNS for instance can help a browser save a few milliseconds on the time required for page loading.

Promote above-the-fold content. 

Above the fold is a content that a customer sees without scrolling down to the website page. Consider loading variants of this content first to deceive the user into thinking that the page load time is smaller. Techniques include:

  • Lazy Loading: Only initiate those resources that are necessary for the quicker loading of aids in cases where such additional resources are necessary.
  • Deferring JavaScript: Definitely, JavaScript loaded this late will only run after the main content has been loaded, so use the defer attribute.
  • Inlining Critical CSS: For some, employing styles in HTML by placing the critical CSS above the fold is an essential way to enhance above-the-fold speed.

Apply Lazy Loading

Screen reader techniques exploit the option of loading images and videos at specific intervals as opposed to simultaneously with the rest of the webpage components. This can greatly enhance the time intensity of the initial loading of the page, to help other data load in turns. Implement lazy loading with:

  • JavaScript Libraries: Such Libraries like lazy as the LazyLoad library within Androids Flutter enable the implementation of lazy loading.
  • Native HTML Attributes: Lazy loading can be used by assigning the loading =”lazy” attribute in HTML.

Removing Render-Blocking Resources 

When a resource is linked to HTML, the page rendering stops until that resource is loaded and processed – this is why we’ve got render-blocking assets like CSS and JavaScript files. To eliminate these:

  • Defer or Async Loading: If you have a non-essential Javascript file, be sure to add the ‘defer’ or ‘async’ attribute to the script tag
  • Inline Critical CSS: Best practices of CSS coding include placing the important CSS right inside the body of the HTML to prune time.

Use Modern File Formats

Current formats open, resolve, and compress quicker and more effectively than earlier formats. Examples include:

WebP: For images, it is because of the better compression ratio compared to both the JPEG and PNG formats.

Brotli: For compression: retaining improved compression capability as compared to Gzip.

Database Optimization

Having several folders and sub-folders can be problematic because it affects the performance of the website. In every site, there needs to be consistent database optimization, particularly for websites that update frequently. Steps to optimize your database include:

  • Cleaning Up Old Data: To do this, first, delete all spam comments, second, delete post revisions and other unnecessary data that can be stored.
  • Optimizing Database Tables: Optimize tables via other options like PHP MY Admin, WP Optimize tables, etc.
  • Using Indexing: Make sure that all the database tables are properly indexed so that when performing queries, they can be done faster.

Minimize Redirects

They love time and also trigger extra HTTP requests, which take time and may lower your Internet site’s efficiency. Minimize redirects by:

  • Removing Unnecessary Redirects: Check your website for the remaining 301 redirects that have not been updated, and delete them if necessary.
  • Using Direct Links: Make sure the internal links lead right to the last location or else the search engines will not recognize the links.

Increase  Mobile Performance

It may be stated that providing the means to actively use the Web site in a mobile environment is required and its quality will be measured against this criterion: the better the faster. Enhance mobile performance by:

  • Using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): AMP is a service that improves your web page’s load time with a specific emphasis on the mobile web.
  • Implementing Responsive Design: Ensure that your site is mobile optimized, and with some careful coding, you can find ways that allow the use on any device without having to refresh the page repeatedly.
  • Reducing Mobile-Specific Resources: Another consideration of responsivity is not to embed resources that are designed for a large screen for small screens.

Tracking and Maintenance

The website performance requires constant check-ups and follow-ups to ensure maximum performance after some time of its use. Employ tools such as Google Analytics, Pingdom, and Nirumbo Chandra for monitoring the site’s speed and for optimization purposes. This is to avoid being attacked by hackers since you are often an easy target when your website and those associated with are outdated.


Website optimization is a process that focuses on improving the loading speed and that is a continuous process and it uses several strategies and methods. Included below is a list of measures that, when properly incorporated and reviewed periodically, will help to transform your site into one that is fast and fast-loading for the benefit of the visitors. To realize the potential of increased page performance and load times, begin optimizing now.

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